Category: digital art

Memory Is A Cemetery



Dead blooms scattered across the forgotten tombs and in the shadows the raven looms keeping watch over the  forsaken and the lost here in the land of many sorrows and doom… Poem/Photo ©Debbie Berk


Poem ©Debbie Berk Image by Debbie Berk

Time heals nothing

Photo ©Debbie Berk

Blue Gray Surrender



Today the rains, and the ravens came dancing ‘neath the shadowy rainbows of a faint light, the flash of colors fading like a bruise into the blush of clouds, as a scar was left deep in these skies so dark and I could see a touch of joy among mourning in the eyes of the…

Blood And Blooms

Broken to make room for growth and so from these seeds of darkness sewn beyond this death and the twisting sprouts of relentless weeds is new life and beauty beneath the deepest of roots reaching through the blood and the muck waiting to bloom within the waking of the light and me 9/11/18

Poe to His Lost Loves

You were the poetry I wrote, my longing in every word to summon the shadow of your fading heart lost to that forever sleep of darkness that has hardened me and left me here in the most empty, loneliest parts within my pleading ghost to be healed of these eternal hurts, desperate to cure death…

The Keepsake

An Offerring