My most recent collection of poems
Depression, grief and sadness mixed with a touch of sarcasm and dark humor, “Seasons and Shadows” is a collection of poems about the darkness, the shadows and the sorrows brought on by the season of late fall into the long winter that seems never ending until that first glimpse, a tiny hint of spring to set free the ghosts as a new sense of hope is wafted through the soft breeze.
Until then there is only the harsh cold of the dying and the endless deaths as you feel more and more out of touch, lost in that deep fog buried deeper and deeper in the depths of that darkened tomb of despair.
ISBN: 9781791790172
Excerpt from Seasons and Shadows…
Is like crawling into the cold, dark cocoon
of a ghost infested womb waiting either to be
reborn or buried deeper……
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No wind or wing but only a hope and a dream…
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